The Exact Process I Used to Build My Online Business and Quit My 9-5
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Build Your Own Blog Free Roadmap

Everything you need to build a blog from scratch and create offers that sell!

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The Exact Process I Used to Build My Online Business and Quit My 9-5

Everything you need to know to build your online business legally, strategically, and easily so you can stop living your life on pause and start becoming the woman you were always meant to be. Trust me, if even I can do it, so can you!

Pregnancy is the Best Time to Start Online Business Hippieology Blog

Are you ready to finally start your own online business, once and for all? You’re in the right place, friend 🥰

You're About to Meet Your Fairy Godmother of Online Business

I can’t tell you how often I talk to women who want the freedom and flexibility of owning their own business but feel trapped in the 9-5 matrix. Who dream of writing for a living, creating from a vibey coffee shop or cozy corner of their home. Who know they aren’t cut out for the traditional 9-5 workplace, but don’t believe they have what it takes to create a career online.

They tell me, “I’d love to be my own boss, but I’m not an expert at anything” Can you relate?

If so, the Build Your Own Blog Starter Package is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

In this self-paced program, I will help you go from an online business novice to a blogger badass (and even start making money in one month, or less)!

I can do this because I’ve been where you are...and I know what it really takes to build an online business from scratch

Not long ago, I was barely treading water at a soul-sucking marketing job. I felt undervalued, misunderstood, and dreaded going to work each morning. Even when I clocked out for the day, the stress of going back loomed over me all evening like a time-release panic attack.

It wasn’t until I took my first online business course that I finally began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I thought, “You’re telling me that the career experience I have is already enough?? That I don’t have to be a tech genius to succeed? That I can seriously replace my salary, free myself from behind this desk, and build a new life for myself on my own terms??”

It sounded too good to be true, but for once, it truly wasn’t.

Today, I wake up feeling peace in knowing that I have the entire day ahead of me to create, inspire, and fill my own cup (all while snoozing the alarm until 8 or 9am, if I want). At night, I fall asleep dreaming up new ideas for my business and scheming which direction I want my life to take next.

The Universe has got my back (and my bank account) because I took the leap in investing in myself and my future.

For the past two years, I have dedicated my career to learning online business strategy and have created a process that not only works, but feels nurturing, sweet, and easy for anyone who thinks they don’t have what it takes to make a living online.

The Build Your Own Blog Starter Package Includes:

  • Recorded Lessons on all things Legal Business Formation, Online Biz Banking, Brand Strategy, Website Building, and Product Creation

  • The Ultimate Step-by-Step Checklist with your entire business plan mapped out from the very beginning.

  • 6-page Resource Guide filled with all the articles, tools, and free resources you need to make the very best decisions for you and your new business.

  • Everything you need to know to build your online business legally, strategically, and easily so you can stop living your life on pause and start becoming the woman you were always meant to be.

So, I invite you to take a moment to just imagine what’s possible for you...

- What would it be like to wake up each morning feeling peaceful, inspired, and excited?

- To achieve online business success with ease and joy?

- To no longer struggle to get out of bed and instead get paid to be yourself, spend your days working on your passion, and never step foot into that artificially-lit cubicle ever again?

This is SO possible for you ✨

Are you ready to start making freedom and financial independence a non-negotiable in your life?

I invite you to click here to take a deeper look into The Build Your Own Blog Starter Package

If you have any questions for me about online visibility, blogging, or the Build Your Own Blog Course, send me an e-mail at We can discuss your path moving forward and whether BYOB is the right course for your biz! Plus, I'm always excited to meet new friends and connect with other like-minded people in this space.

So much love,


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