How to Create Your Dream Life by Growing Your Blog on Pinterest
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How to Create Your Dream Life by Growing Your Blog on Pinterest

Updated: Jan 30

POV: It’s a crisp fall morning, your windows let in a cool breeze as the sun dances on the floor, you pour the pumpkin spice into your favorite festive mug and make your way to your home office where a quiet day of writing awaits you–it’s your only priority today. Just another regular Tuesday. Life is good.

How to Create Your Dream Life by As an Empath, Introvert, or Highly Sensitive Person by Growing Your Blog on Pinterest

If you dream of slow mornings and low-key workdays filled with peace and creativity, you belong in the online business world. But I talk to so many empaths, introverts, and highly sensitive people who cringe at the mere thought of marketing their biz and avoid social media like the plague.

I get it–that was me too. It kind of still is, actually–that’s why I’ve made Pinterest my platform of choice when it comes to spreading the word about my blog and online business!

Before investing in my Pinterest knowledge, my content was only reaching a small fraction of people and I felt like Harry Potter all wrapped up in his invisibility cloak. I knew I had a unique point of view and that my work was going to change lives–but I couldn’t get people to see it!! 😩

I thought everyone else had access to information that I didn’t…

I thought that Pinterest was designed only for high-energy productivity and organization bloggers, not your lazy-girl introvert with “hippie” in her blog name…

But after a year of trial-and-error, 10 months learning about Pinterest ads, and tons and tons of scrolling through Tailwind Communities, I’m here to tell you: THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO TO LIVE THAT LOW-KEY LIFESTYLE YOU CRAVE IS INVEST IN YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS’ PINTEREST STRATEGY.

I only wish I had started sooner. Just imagine…

  • Waking up to sales each morning, thanks to the delicious, never-ending stream of traffic you’ve generated on auto-pilot.

  • Your inbox overflowing with love from your soul-mate clients who literally can’t get enough of your content.

  • Building the quiet, peaceful life of your dreams without selling your soul to the algorithm or dancing on camera just to build an audience.

  • Creating a solid and sustainable process of marketing your business that doesn’t involve cold e-mails, sleazy networking strategies, or spending hours upon hours updating the meta descriptions on your website.

This is possible for you 👆

Are you ready to turn your passion blog into a real-life business that makes dream-life income? 🤩

I’m teaching you how to do just that in my Pinterest 101 Mini-Course! This course is now open for enrollment, but keep scrolling for a little sneak peek into what’s covered!

How to Create Your Dream Life by As an Empath, Introvert, or Highly Sensitive Person by Growing Your Blog on Pinterest

Conduct Keyword Research

You may have heard of conducting keyword research for on-page SEO, but did you know that you need to conduct keyword research specifically for Pinterest, too?

Pinterest is a search engine, which means it has its own internal memory, algorithm, and processes. When people come to Pinterest, they are searching different words, terms, and phrases than they may search on Google.

Honestly, if you are planning on Pinterest being your #1 traffic generator, I suggest you create your blog/website content around popular and trending Pinterest keywords and phrases. This way, you’re not chasing your potential customers around the internet–they will be chasing you!

Having trouble nailing down the best keywords for your niche? I’ve created a whole blog post around finding the perfect niche. HINT: I’ve got a simple mindset hack that makes it quicker than an Ariana Grande relationship!

Anyway, since I’ve figured out the best keywords to optimize my Pinterest account, my feed has gone from a random hodge-podge of topics and creators to a super honed-in collection of crazy-relevant content that I can consume AND share with others (which in turn, boosts my own SEO)!

Keyword research is truly the gift that keeps on giving 💞

Familiarize Yourself with Pinterest Ads

Paid advertising. Scary, I know 😳

I was scared too when I was just starting, but paid ads have taken my account from being seen by maybe 1-2,000 people each month, to over 100,000. Needless to say, the ROI is worth the time and money spent learning more.

Pinterest ads skyrocketed my business while I was on maternity leave and increased my sales by 30% over prior year!

This was 100% passive income generated from a mere $5 per day ad spend.

So, are you ready to start living your dream life?? Or are you content just sitting around daydreaming about how things could be better?

Paying for ads was the most impactful step I took to take me from feeling like an invisible wannabe blogger to a legitimate online business owner and CEO.

It also led me to make my first sale, quit my soul-sucking admin job, and gain the confidence to become the face of my business, not just an introverted millennial, trying (and failing) to make money on the internet.

How to Create Your Dream Life by As an Empath, Introvert, or Highly Sensitive Person by Growing Your Blog on Pinterest

Sign Up for Tailwind

I know I know what you’re thinking: I’m starting to sound just like every other blogger on Pinterest. Well, there are reasons they all use Tailwind (and it might not be what you think)!

Tailwind is a must for bloggers, course creators, coaches, and anyone looking to grow their online business using Pinterest. Here’s why:

  1. It’s a great tool to up-level your content-creating mindset. When joining Communities, you are put into rooms with other business owners just like you. Getting into these rooms helps you figure out the caliber and type of content that performs well.

  2. Their Ghost Writer AI provides insight into top-performing messaging. If copywriting isn’t your forte, their Ghost Writer AI tool is a great way to learn winning “word formulas”. Just type in the keywords related to your pin, and it spits out 3 different pin titles and descriptions.

  3. You get to see content from new bloggers/creators. There’s only so much your home feed algorithm can do for you–that’s where Communities come in 🪄 Be prepared for inspiration overload as you are introduced to new creators who light you up.

Now, Tailwind is a friggin’ beast. There’s a lot to unpack and process there. If you’ve been avoiding the Tailwind Train (another system?! Ugh!), don’t worry. I’ve created a full guide with everything you need to know in my new Pinterest 101 Mini-Course!

P.S. I don’t have any sort of affiliation with Tailwind and don’t receive a single cent if you sign up. It’s just a good resource and has taught me a lot about growing my own business using Pinterest!

Enroll in the course today for just $22.22

Final Thoughts

Are you ready to invite unlimited sales, time flexibility, and soul-mate clients into your life? To live the slow morning, business owner life of your dreams? It’s all waiting for you on the other side of Pinterest mastery.

Get access to the Pinterest 101 Mini-Course today OR sign up for my weekly Empathic Entrepreneur Newsletter to automatically receive 10% off all products in my store.

If you have any questions for me about online business, blogging, or the Pinterest 101 Mini-Course, send me an e-mail at I'm always excited to connect with other like-minded people in this space and help your business in any way I can 🥰

So much love,

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